** Please watch the student testimonials video on our "Why Sakhi Yoga School" page
Deeply rooted in authentic, ancient tradition, The Sakhi Yoga School was founded on the principles of sangha (community) and sakhi (friendship). The age-old teachings of yoga emphasize the importance of walking this path with others, not alone, and holds sacred the bond between teacher and pupil. One of the many unique benefits of enrolling in the Sakhi Yoga 300-hour teacher training program is becoming part of a close-knit, supportive community of teachers and practitioners, a community which welcomes yogis from all backgrounds and traditions. Rather than amassing a variety of elective weekend workshops, the Sakhi curriculum builds carefully, as you progress through the program, for a deeper understanding of Self and the practice. With an emphasis on live teaching, we learn and grow together, strengthening our sangha in South Carolina and steadily transforming ourselves and our collective understanding. In addition to cultivating life-long friendships, you will emerge with a connection to, and a deeper knowledge of, the authentic, ancient teachings, together with a rarified understanding of the best ways to transmit your wisdom and knowledge effectively to others.
While virtual learning might be convenient, extended hours of screen time are contrary to our mission, and we believe in the value of being in each others' presence. We are committed to in-person learning and cultivating a strong community. This program will include 12 in-person weekends, 12 virtual evening classes, and a final week spent in residence at the Himalayan Institute. Each year’s class is restricted in number, allowing for ample one-on-one interaction and rich group discussion. This program is designed to give you a deeper dive into the practice and understanding of yoga, in a very intentional way. The Sakhi Yoga School has the unique fortune to offer teachings passed down directly from a living master, Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, of the Himalayan Institute. Our studies build logically and deliberately, as we progress through the program, culminating in a deeper, richer understanding of our topics. The unique culmination of our journey, is spent in residence at the Himalayan Institute, which allows us to experience living and practicing in community, in an ashram setting. Each of the four quarters is focused on one of the Four Gates of Freedom as defined in the Yoga Vasistha.
Quarter One – Vichara/Self-Inquiry
4 in-person weekends: ​
4 virtual evening classes
Quarter Two – Shanti/Self-Mastery
4 in-person weekends:​
4 virtual evening classes
Quarter Three – Santosha/Contentment
4 in-person weekends:​
4 virtual evening classes
Quarter Four – Sangha/Community
Five days in residence (included in tuition) at The Himalayan Institute in Honesdale, PA:​​
Learning Highlights
Enhance your knowledge of the anatomy of yoga and understanding of physiological problems and structural limitations
Explore the profound teachings of Sri Vidya that lead you toward embodying the wisdom, power, compassion, beauty, and joy of Sri
Deepen your understanding of Ayurveda and learn how to apply this ancient science in your practice, life, and teaching
Understand the five Prana Vayus & how to work with them, using asana, pranayama & mantra
Explore yoga as a supportive tool for transforming depression and anxiety into resilience
Experience ancient meditation techniques and learn how to teach them in a meaningful way
Tap into your internal well of creativity, learning to design practices that will support you and your students in a profound and practical way
Learn to work with the Koshas (five sheaths or layers) and develop a relationship to those layers in practice and teaching
Identify your Dharma Code or life purpose and how to sustain alignment with it
Learn ancient mantras and study the science of sound, and Sanskrit language
Study Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra and The Hatha Yoga Pradipika in-depth, as a guide for “living your yoga”, on and off the mat
Discover your authentic voice, learn to use it more effectively & elegantly, in a variety of arenas
Refine your skills in purposeful sequencing for specific energetic outcomes
Develop your online instruction skills and understanding of how to serve students’ needs through this medium
Reading List
The Secret of the Yoga Sutra ~ Pandit Rajmani Tigunait
The Practice of the Yoga Sutra ~ Pandit Rajmani Tigunait
Autobiography of a Yogi ~ Paramahansa Yogananda
Yoga & Ayurveda ~ Dr. David Frawley
Hatha Yoga Pradipika ~ Swami Satyananda Saraswati: commentary by Swami Muktibodhananda
Living with the Himalayan Masters ~ Swami Rama
The Four Desires ~ Rod Stryker
Vishoka Meditation ~ Pandit Rajmani Tigunait
The Key Poses of Yoga ~ Dr. Ray Long
** If you did not do your 200-hr YTT with Sakhi, please include: Asana, Pranayama, Mudra, Bandha ~ Swami Satyananda Saraswati and The Bhagavad Gita ~ translated by Eknath Easwaran
*Amba Rate - $3800 (significantly discounted for those with reduced means)
*Kama Rate - $4300 (low end of the standard rate)
*Seva Rate - $4800 (encouraged for those who can afford to pay a little more so we can offer assistance to those with lesser means)
*Sangha Rate – Partial scholarships offered on a rolling basis, dependent on Seva registrations and donations. Please write to inquire.​
Details and Inclusions
A $200 non-refundable application fee will hold your spot and be deducted from your total rate.
Cash, Check, Zelle, and PayPal payments (to 803.606.8829) are accepted, with no additional fees.
Credit card or “PayPal: Services” payments are accepted, with a 3% fee added to the total.
Four Desires Workbook and Sakhi Manual are included.
Accommodations during the week in residence at The Himalayan Institute are included, based on double occupancy with shared baths.
Meals, transportation to and from the institute, books and incidentals are not included.
FAQ -Is the Sakhi School right for me? The answer is YES if…
You are interested in a deep spiritual path, rooted in ancient tradition and connected to authentic teachings from a true living master. Pam is a devoted student of Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, Spiritual Head of the Himalayan Institute.
You want not only to refine and expand your teaching skills, but also to find a deeper connection to your own unique truth and inner teacher.
You understand the benefits of learning and connecting with others in person, preferring to have the undivided attention of your teacher, while avoiding spending half or more of your time in a virtual format.
You want the experience of a week's immersion in an authentic ashram.
You are seeking a teacher who is also a devoted student. Pam and all of the Sakhi 300 YTT faculty (with a combined 95+ years of teaching experience), continue to study with master teachers.
You want a teacher whose primary focus is to serve her students, and one who will be available to you beyond the scope of the program.
You are inspired to better understand the energetics of yoga, moving deeper than a purely physical approach.
You value having a past-graduate mentor throughout the program and being part of a close-knit community going forward.