Why Sakhi Yoga School?
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Sakhi शाखी (suh-khee) - is a Sanskrit word that means friend, assistant, companion.
This name for our school was chosen as a reminder of the ancient teachings that emphasize the importance of walking our paths together, in friendship and support of one another. One of the unique benefits of enrolling in the Sakhi Yoga School is becoming part of a living tradition, and a supportive community that welcomes teachers and practitioners of all backgrounds. Sakhi offers a depth and breadth of study that is unparalleled.

Pamela Cauthen Meriwether,
Parayoga Certified,
Four Desires Trainer
Having begun her yoga practice in 1999 and started teaching a couple of years later, Pamela has been practicing and teaching yoga and meditation for over 2 decades. She co-founded the Sakhi Yoga School in 2011, offering 200-hour certifications and added advanced studies and 300 hour certification programs in 2020. Additional Sakhi faculty members contribute to over 70+ years of teaching expertise in our school.

A 5,000-year-old lineage
of the Himalayan Masters.
The Sakhi Yoga School’s primary teacher, Pamela Meriwether, is a devoted student of Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, PhD, a modern-day master and living link in the unbroken Himalayan Tradition. Pamela continues to study and receive guidance from him, on her spiritual journey. Her on-going studies include regular pilgrimages to India, and extended practices at the Himalayan Institute campuses in India and Pennsylvania. Her commitment to her practice and to her students is to never stop learning and sharing the wisdom her teachers have imparted to her.

More than meets the mat.
Our focus is on both depth and breadth of authentic yoga education. Rather than solely focusing on the physical aspects of yoga, we cover that and so much more. The true measurement of whether our practice is working is found by observing what is happening in our lives off the mat. At the completion of our program, you will have a deeper understanding of yoga and the experience of truly "living" it. Through your own transformation, you will cultivate the ability to effectively lead others in a meaningful, life-changing yoga practice.

Fulfillment and
At the heart of our curriculum is the intention of guiding each unique individual toward their own inner wisdom and a life of fulfillment. As Pamela's first teacher, Rod Stryker, so eloquently put it, “The ultimate aim of Yoga is to live joyfully and fearlessly. A master teacher embodies this promise and is an inspirational and knowledgeable force, capable of empowering others to fully celebrate all that life has to offer.”

Receive a Registered
Yoga Teacher (RYT) certification.
Upon successful completion of our courses, you will be elligible to receive a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT) certification. As a Yoga Alliance Registered School, the hours from both of our courses (200 and 300) are recognized by the Yoga Alliance, which is a non-profit organization. They maintain education standards and a national registry of Registered Yoga Teachers. For more information on Yoga Alliance, visit www.yogalliance.org.